The Role of Community and Overcoming Trauma Episode 5
Dr. Bravada Garrett-Akinsanya, Ph.D., LP, LCSW Psychologist- Brakins Consulting & Psychological Services Katie Sample, Former CEO of African American Academy For Accelerated Learning
Eposode one Dr Zulu 2
Our Guest on Crossroads Panorama Podcast is Nothando Zulu - Master Storyteller - Black Storytellers Alliance Healing our Community Through Storytelling
10 year old articulates her view on Crossroads Panorama Production
10 year old actress Ilille Crawford of Crossroads Panorama expresses her thoughts on acting, production and director Dr. Joyce Marrie.
Crossroads Panorama -Gofundme Promo video
The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity for youth and young adults, who have had no prior training in acting, singing and dance, will participate in the staging of a play, particularly a production that sheds light